Sunday, September 8, 2019

Curiosity Has No Fear

As I stepped outside this morning, the first thing I noticed was the beautiful hummingbirds outside.  They were flying about and chasing each other; not a care in the world.  They have a way of opening our eyes and our hearts to the beauty and wonders of the world around us.

Hummingbirds are so bright, so coloful, so free and full of life.  Their curiosity has no fear.  I believe God put them here, not only as a reminder of His beautiful creation, but to teach us not to live in fear.  He wants us to be curious, He wants us to learn; to be filled with His joy and light.  He wants us to "hover from flower to flower" and follow His path of peace; He wants us to live in the moment.

So the next time you see a little hummingbird flitting nearby, sit back, enjoy its beauty, and think about what it truly represents.

"What if I fall?  Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?"
Author Unknown

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