Sunday, August 11, 2019

Talk To God

Each morning I wake up, brush my hair, freshen up, and I escape to "my own little beach" with God.  I meet Him there at the ocean's edge, and we walk hand in hand as we talk.  I start each day off talking to God.  I couldn't even begin to make it through my day without Him.

I didn't always do this.  I didn't always take the time to be with my Lord like I should have.  I was too busy rushing around and planning for the day ahead.  But a couple of years ago, I started reading Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling".  It's a great devotional, by the way, if you haven't read it.  It's like Jesus is actually talking to you. I don't really remember how or when it happened, but I started getting up every morning to read this devotional, and I really started praying to God.  Oh yeah, I always prayed, but not like this.  This became the biggest part of my morning "ritual", and now...I can't even think about not talking to God before I do anything else.  My day just isn't the same.

I encourage you to take the time to talk to God, just to be with Him.  I promise you won't regret it, and you'll find yourself getting closer and closer to Him each day.

"Prayer is a conversation with God, and God is my friend."
Joyce Meyer

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