Sunday, May 17, 2020

God First

Although I've been saved for many years now, I didn't feel I was growing in Christ like I should.  For a long time I didn't really realize that I wasn't putting God first in my life.  I put my family before God, money, worry, stress, vacations, and the list goes on and on...  And even though I've realized these things, I still tend to do this without even thinking about  it.  No matter how hard I try, these little things will sneak back into my life before I know it.  It's a constant struggle for me so I have to stay on my tiptoes.  And the best way I know to do that is to just keep talking to God.

God wants us to put Him first.  He tells us in Exodus 20:3, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me".  Well when we think too much about other things such as money, our job, the future... any little thing can become a god for us if we're not focusing on God.  Life is so busy with jobs, housework, the kiddos...but if we'll just put God first, all of those things will fall into place.   There are so many distractions in this world, but we have to just keep asking God to help us keep our mind set on Him.

A few ways we can try to do this is by talking to God, reading His word, memorizing scripture, praising Him, and thanking Him.  I know for me, meeting with Jesus every morning helps to start my day off better.  Just knowing that the Lord is waiting to talk to me, waiting to spend time with me...that's a feeling I just can't describe.  If we want to have a close relationship with God, we have to discipline ourselves to set aside time to spend with Him.  We have to include Him in everything we do.  If you've got a decision to make, if you have a problem...don't google it, don't talk to someone else about to God.  That's what He wants you to do.  He wants to be included in your life.  He loves you more than anyone in this world.

So I'm not only challenging you, but I'm challenging myself, as well, to put God first.  Then sit back and watch your life change.

"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, 
and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."
Matthew 22:37

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