Sunday, April 19, 2020

Letting Go

During this time of isolation, I've been doing a lot of soul searching.  Unfortunately Satan has been working overtime on pointing out my past failures.  While I'm trying not to listen to him, I find it hard to forgive myself for things I did or didn't do in my past, and I'm constantly reminding myself that God has forgiven me.  I've always struggled with negative thoughts and emotions, and this is something I'm always trying to work on.

One thing I'm learning is that you can't be a prisoner of your past.  You have to remember it was just one of life's lessons.  No amount of guilt or shame can change it.  You have to accept that it's over.  No matter how many times you revisit it or regret it, it is over!  It can't hurt you anymore.  You have to focus on the lesson, not the hurt - guilt - or disappointment.

I'm learning that you should never regret a day in your life.  There will be bad days, but you have to remember they give you experience.  And there will be worst days that will give you lessons.  But then there are good days that bring you happiness and better days that give you memories.

One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go.  Whether it's guilt, anger, love, loss, abuse, or betrayal - change is never easy.  But never forget how far you've come and everything you've been through.  Remember the time you kept on going even when you didn't feel like you could.  Remember how you wanted so bad just to give up, but you didn' made it through another day.

You have to forgive yourself.  You have to stop replaying those negative memories in your mind.  Stop thinking about what could have been.  You have to let it have to move on.  Start that new chapter in your life.  And while I'm telling you this, I'm talking to myself, as well.

Just breathe...and let it go

"Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.  
Behold I will do a new thing..."
Isaiah 43:18-19

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